Pet Orthopedics in Stuart
in Stuart

2353 SE Federal Hwy Stuart, FL 34994
Mon – Sat: 10am to 7pm
Sun: 10am to 6pm

Noticing your pet limping can be a cause for alarm.

Lameness is generally due to an injury or physical abnormality. However, it isn’t always an indication that your pet is in pain. There are many factors, including age, weight, and breed, that may contribute to your pet’s gait and behavior. There are several underlying issues that that can cause limping in in animals.

Lameness in Pets

Lameness can be present in one or multiple lets, and it can be consistent or may come and go. It can worsen after exercise or after a period of rest. Sometimes it can even be worse at certain times of day. Some common signs that your pet is experiencing an issue include:


Loss of muscular tissue in one leg

Not placing a paw on the ground correctly

Refusal to place weight on a leg

Swelling around the joints

Inability to walk or run normally

Signs of pain or discomfort in a leg

Difficulty climbing stairs or jumping

Other changes to their gait

Some breeds are more prone to orthopedic issues than others so it’s important to know whether or not your pet might be dealing with a common issue for their breed or whether or not the underlying condition is more serious. Common causes of lameness include:


Congenital abnormalities

Insect stings

Nerve damage

Trauma such as a broken bone or dislocation


Inflammatory diseases

Damaged or broken claws

Genetic disorders



Wounds to paw pads

Bone cancer

Noticing signs that your pet might be in pain can be extremely worrying. Our goal is to determine the underlying cause of your pet’s limp and take the steps to minimize any discomfort they may be experiencing by recommending the best treatment options for your pet.

Our Orthopedic Services

We perform a wide variety of orthopedic surgeries, including:

Pelvic Fracture

Cruciate Ligament Surgery

Coxofemoral Luxation – Toggle pin repair

Common Calcaneal (Achilles) Tendon Injury

Joint Luxation

Tibia/fibula Fracture Repair

Patellar Luxation – Unilateral repair

Femur or Humerus Fracture Repair

Oncologic Surgeries

Radius/ulna Fracture Repair

Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy

We're here for you!

Schedule You Pet’s Orthopedic Appointment in Stuart

If you’ve observed your pet favoring a leg or you notice a in their gait, reach out to us today to schedule an appointment for pet orthopedics in Stuart.

Stuart Animal Medical Center performs orthopedics for dogs and cats in Stuart, Palm City, Jensen Beach and Port Saint Lucie.

What We Can Offer in Stuart