Sarasota, FL 34243
Sun: 10am to 6pm
It's crucial to maintain good dental hygiene in our pets.
Dental issues can not only cause health complications, but could also indicate that there may be something else wrong with your pet. A veterinarian should examine your pet’s teeth and gums once a year to look for any early indications of a problem. Veterinary dentistry may include examinations, x-rays, cleaning, and extraction. For their best oral health, pets should receive professional dental services regularly. We provide comprehensive pet dental care in Sarasota and encourage you to reach out to us if your pet is due for dental services.
Oral Health Issues in Pets
Pets can’t tell us when they have a toothache. Your pet may show signs of a dental problem in other, more subtle ways. Some of these signs include:
Bad breath
Discolored teeth
Abnormal chewing
Swelling in or around the mouth
Broken, loose, or missing teeth
Excess tartar
Pain in the mouth
Increased irritability
Extra teeth or retained baby teeth
Unusual eating habits
Bleeding in the mouth
Broken teeth
Infected teeth or gums
Palate defects
Broken jaw
Periodontal disease
Misalignment of the teeth or bite
Always be very careful when dealing with a pet’s mouth. Stressed animals may be more prone to biting. For your safety, let us perform a thorough examination for you to get your pet back to feeling like themself.
Schedule a Dental Care Appointment in Sarasota
Only a veterinarian should perform dental examinations and treatment. Contact us right away to make an appointment for pet dental care in Sarasota if you think your pet may be experiencing oral health issues or if it’s been a while since their last checkup and cleaning. Making an appointment with a veterinarian is the first step in determining the cause of dental health concerns.