Pet Dental Care
in Palm Beach Gardens

11262 Legacy Ave,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

Mon – Sat: 10am to 7pm
Sun: 10am to 6pm

It is critical that our pets have good dental hygiene.

Dental problems can not only cause health problems, but they can also indicate that there is something else wrong with your pet. Once a year, your pet’s teeth and gums should be examined by a veterinarian to look for early signs of periodontal disease. Veterinary dentistry may entail extracting teeth from your pet’s mouth as well as cleaning and examining them. We offer comprehensive pet dental care in Palm Beach Gardens and encourage you to contact us if your pet is in need of dental care.

Oral Health Issues in Pets

Pets cannot tell us when they are in pain. That’s why it’s so important to watch for other, more subtle signs of a dental problem that may appear in your pet. Some of these signs include:

Bad breath

Discolored teeth

Abnormal chewing

Swelling in or around the mouth

Broken, loose, or missing teeth

Excess tartar

Pain in the mouth

Increased irritability

Extra teeth or baby teeth that remain

Unusual eating habits

Bleeding in the mouth

There are numerous causes of oral health complications in pets. Though this isn’t every oral health issue your pet could experience, most commonly we see pets with these oral health problems:

Broken teeth

Periodontal disease

Broken jaw

Palate defects


Misalignment of the teeth or bite

Infected teeth or gums

When dealing with a pet’s mouth, always exercise extreme caution. Stressed animals are more likely to bite, so we don’t recommend trying to figure out the problem yourself. We’ll make sure to give your pet a thorough examination so they can feel like themselves again.
We're here for you!

Schedule a Dental Care Appointment in Palm Beach Gardens

Dental examinations and treatment should only be performed by a veterinarian or veterinary dentist. If you suspect your pet is suffering from oral health issues, please contact us right away to schedule an appointment for pet dental care in Palm Beach Gardens.
Palm Beach Gardens Animal Hospital provides dental care for dogs and cats inPalm Beach Gardens, North Palm Beach, Lake Park, Riviera Beach, Jupiter, West Palm Beach, Century Village, and Palm Beach.

What We Can Offer in Palm Beach Gardens