Oakland Park, FL 33334
Sun: Closed
Finding your pet limping can be concerning as a pet owner.
Lameness in Pets
Refusal to place weight on a leg
Loss of muscular tissue in one leg
Not placing a paw on the ground correctly
Swelling around the joints
Inability to walk or run normally
Other changes to their gait
Signs of pain or discomfort in a leg
Difficulty climbing stairs or jumping
Bone cancer
Wounds to paw pads
Trauma, such as a broken bone or dislocation
Insect stings
Nerve damage
Congenital abnormalities
Genetic disorders
Inflammatory diseases
Damaged or broken claws
Our Orthopedic Services
Pelvic Fracture
Cruciate Ligament Surgery
Coxofemoral Luxation – Toggle pin repair
Common Calcaneal (Achilles) Tendon Injury
Joint Luxation
Tibia/fibula Fracture Repair
Radius/ulna Fracture Repair
Patellar Luxation – Unilateral repair
Oncologic Surgeries
Femoral Head and Neck Ostectomy
Femur or Humerus Fracture Repair