Sarasota, FL 34239
Sun: 10am to 6pm
Immunizations are an important part of pet healthcare.
They’re an easy way to make sure your pet is equipped to handle several preventable diseases that they may come into contact with. Without taking this step, your pet could become extremely ill, and no pet parent wants to see their companion suffering needlessly. Our pets aren’t the only ones who benefit from their vaccinations, though. Vaccines also protect humans that come into contact with pets from getting sick. We are pleased to offer pet vaccinations in Sarasota and encourage you to keep you and your pets safe by vaccinating them.
Common Preventable Illnesses in Pets
Your veterinarian will be able to tell you exactly which vaccines your pet should be receiving. There is no one-size-fits-all option when it comes to the health of our pets. There are different categories of vaccines, including core vaccines and lifestyle vaccines. Core vaccinations are recommended for most pets and should be administered to ensure an animal’s health. Lifestyle vaccines are only recommended based on factors such as how often your pet comes into contact with other animals or if they spend time in wooded areas. We will recommend vaccinations based on what diseases are most likely to affect your pet.
Common preventable diseases in dogs include:
Lyme Disease
Kennel Cough
Feline Calicivirus