Pet Dental Care
in Titusville

3055 Columbia Blvd #117,
Titusville, FL 32780
Mon – Sat: 10am to 7pm
Sun: 10am to 6pm

Reviews for Titusville Animal Hospital

The oral health of our pets is very important.

Dental issues can not only exacerbate existing health issues in your companion but also be a sign of an underlying condition. Your pet’s teeth and gums should be checked by a veterinarian once a year to check for early indications of periodontal disease. Dental work performed by a veterinarian may include cleaning, inspecting, and possibly removing teeth. We urge you to get in touch with us if your pet needs dental care in Titusville.

Oral Health Issues in Pets

Pets cannot tell us when they are in pain. That’s why it’s so important to watch for other, more subtle signs of a dental problem that may appear in your pet. Some of these signs include:

Bad breath

Discolored teeth

Abnormal chewing

Swelling in or around the mouth

Excess tartar

Pain in the mouth

Increased irritability

Broken, loose, or missing teeth

Unusual eating habits

Bleeding in the mouth

Extra teeth or baby teeth that remain

There are numerous causes of oral health complications in pets. Though this isn’t every oral health issue your pet could experience, most commonly, we see pets with these oral health problems:

Broken teeth

Infected teeth or gums

Palate defects

Broken jaw

Periodontal disease


Misalignment of the teeth or bite
We're here for you!

Schedule a Dental Care Appointment in Titusville

Dental examinations and treatment should only be performed by a veterinarian or veterinary dentist. We don’t recommend trying to inspect your pet’s mouth yourself. If you suspect your pet is suffering from oral health issues, please contact us right away to schedule an appointment for pet dental care in Titusville.
Titusville Animal Hospital provides dental care for dogs and cats in Titusville, Mims, Scottsmoor, Christmas, Oak Hill, Cocoa, Edgewater, Geneva, New Smyrna Beach, Rockledge and Port Saint John.

What We Can Offer in Titusville